Restoration is a more delicate process because of the eyebrow’s facial visibility which is much more noticeable than the scalp.
Loss of eyebrow is a kind of worry which is aesthetical,but not cosmetical.
We can be unhappy when we see the defect in the eyebrow.
It can easily be fixed the problem at our clinic. This problem can be overcomed by transplanting in some special eraes in the eyebrow by means of FUE method.Not only we can transplate ,but also we can create you a new eyebrow .The eyebrows which have been planted are never lost again .
Eyebrow surgery requires more skill since the eyebrow is almost parallel to the skin.The implenter pen tecnique makes this possible with perfect direction according to the natural
The whole process takes 3-4 hours.We generally use 200-300 graft for women,300-400 for men into the two eyebrows.
AHD Clinic Team can create a new eyebrows for you.We can also enlarge the area for eyebrow and increase the density
In the eyebrow transplantation, the angle and direction of the hairs are more important than the design of the eyebrows. We are making the eyebrow restorations using only single hair grafts and the special device called the implanter pen (CHOI)